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FDR wrote:

> I'm trying to understand the slight differences between a cast iron dutch
> oven, a SS casserole and a SS sauccepan. I was thinking LeCruset for a cast
> iron dutch oven to make soups, stews, and spaghetti sauce. But I read that
> things made in ducth ovens are often called casseroles. The only thing I
> can see different between the dutch oven and the casserole is the materials.
> Also, it seems that SS casserole has nearly the same dimensions as a large
> saucepan except it doesn't have a handle but the two pots could be used
> interchangeably.
> I'm trying to avoid overlap here. If you had to chose two, what would you
> chose?
> Rob

Whatever you decide doing, consider whether you want something that can
be stuck inot the oven: i.e., (no) plastic handles (like on the lid). I
believe Creusets have platis knobs on the lid, and some Germans soudning
brand does not. But I'm sure they can tell you in the store.