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In article >, (Victor Sack) wrote:
>Phred > wrote:
(Victor Sack) wrote:
>> >
>> >Most assuredly you can do that. Depends on the fish and the dish, of
>> >course. Consider, for example, various fish rissoles, the French fish
>> >quenelles, the Jewish Vorschmack and gefilte fish, etc.

>> Yeah. But why make rissoles out of good fresh fish?

>Why not? By the same reasoning, why not make rissoles out of good fresh
>meat? A good meat rissole or a hamburger, etc., made from a good,
>suitable cut is in no way inferior to, say, a good steak, just different.

The point being that you wouldn't mince a good steak and, yes, you can
make a palatable presentation by mincing and seasoning lower quality

>It's the same with fish. As is the case with different
>kinds of meat and meat cuts, there are different kinds of fish and some
>are more suitable for particular methods of cooking or preparation than
>the others. You probably wouldn't want to mince a Dover sole or a
>sturgeon, but it would be an eminently good idea to do so with, for
>example, pike or herring.

Exactly! But my point was that, where you have access to superb fish
for eating "as is" direct from the sea, why bother at all with lesser

>> (And that's the
>> only sort I enjoy eating! Just bake 'em whole; or grill or fry the
>> fillets

>Or poach 'em... or make fish soup with 'em...

I do poach haddock occasionally and I made fish soup once, but
probably won't bother again. ;-)

>> -- freshly smoked mackeral is pretty good stuff too.

>Exactly, and so is smoked eel (is there anything better in the whole
>wide world?), halibut, sprats, and haddock. And what about cured or
>pickled fish? Matjes (maatjesharing), the food of the gods... ah!

I'm not familiar with smoked eel or your Matjes. :-) But, while I'm
partial to a bit of smoked haddock occasionally, I'm not really into
the "preserved" fish products in general. My "smoked mackeral" is not
made for preservation, but for immediate consumption -- pretty much
like a slow bake with smoke flavour. (Though it's not really all that
slow in time as the fish is usually done in finger-eating pieces; it's
just "slow" in temperature.)

Cheers, Phred.
