Thread: OT - Kid Brag
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Allan Matthews
Posts: n/a

On 21 Sep 2005 18:22:28 -0700, "Sheldon" > wrote:

>Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> (S'mee in WA) said:
>> > I can't help it, I'm so proud and I've just gotta share this. Got
>> > home from errands this morning and found a message on the machine
>> > from our son's principal (Buddy is 8 now and in 3rd grade). My first
>> > thought was "uh-oh", but it was good news.
>> >
>> > Over the summer, the principal challenged the kids to read for at
>> > least 25 hours (they kept logs); their reward was to be a root beer
>> > float. Well, it seems that Buddy's log was soooo good (37 hours),
>> > they want to give him and another child a pizza party, and needed
>> > parental permission (naturally I said "yes")...

>> Congratulate Buddy for me, okay? Maybe even a hug, unless he's old enough
>> to be humiliated by same. It's never too early to start appreciating
>> books.

>Oh, wait... he's not retarded... Buddy, he's a DOG! <G>
>Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .

Sheldon, Maybe the boy spends some time outdoors, maybe he helps his
parents or goes with them, maybe he is a normal, healthy eight year
old with many things to do. Reading at an early age is the first step
to a good education. Unforrunately, if you really read as much as you
claim, it seems it did not have the same effect on your learning
ability. Many of your posts indicate that you did not get a good
education in the field of science.