Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Sheryl Rosen
> > wrote:
>>Does anyone know how cook BROWN RICE in a slow cooker/crock pot?
>>Not a rice cooker, a crock pot.
> (snippage)
>>I'd rather not have to buy a separate rice cooker if I already have
>>an appliance that will do the job.
> Not an appliance as we usually think of them, but a kettle on the stove.
> Do it on the weekend and you'll have rice in the fridge for at least a
> couple days. Somehow the crockpot idea just doesn't ring true with me
> -- the rice would be sitting in water until (long time?) the heat got up
> to cooking temp. I think trying to time it would be a bitch unless you
> get reliable input from someone who's actually done it. But what do I
> know? I'm from the boil-the-hell-out-of-it school of cooking brown rice
> and wild rice. I nuke white rice. Good luck with it.
I've never had white rice cook properly in a crockpot. It ends up hard
and mushy, at the same time. :-P Brown rice might be different, but I'm
not gonna try it.
I have experimented with soaking brown rice before cooking it. It cooks
pretty fast that way. I don't remember the details; I think I covered a
cup of brown rice with hot tap water and let it soak a few hours. Then
when I was ready to cook it I drained it and added a cup of fresh water
and a little salt and cooked it about 10 or 15 minutes in a tightly
covered saucepan. But that was a year ago and I could be remembering it
*way* wrong.
You might try soaking a cup of brown rice all day in 2 cups of water,
then adding salt and microwaving it when you get home. It should cook a
*lot* faster than 45 minutes.
Lately I mix brown rice and white rice. I start the brown rice cooking
in the full measure of water, then after it has had a half hour head
start, I add the raw white rice and cook for another 15 minutes.
Cooking the brown rice in an abundance of water for the first half hour
keeps it from sticking.