Thread: Matzo balls....
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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Okay, it's starting to become chicken soup time here in the Sierras.
> I've decided that I want to make matzo balls this time around (I don't
> care how it's spelled). Anyway, the package says to use "oil," and
> that doesn't sound right. I think you should use chicken fat -- which
> brings to the meat of the matter.
> First off, if I can't use chicken fat, what is a good substitute?
> If I skim off the fat after cooking the chicken, will some of it seep
> back into the broth? I ask that because I happen to like chicken fat
> in my soup.
> Can chicken fat be frozen and stored? And, no, if it's possible to
> actually purchase chicken fat at a proper deli, there isn't one one
> within hours of this place.

Chicken fat skimmed from soup is not the same as chicken schmaltz... it
is basically tasteless, I toss skimmed chicken fat into the trash....
and yes, you can buy chicken schmaltz (look in the refrigerated
section), or it's easy to make your own.

There are as many ways to prepare knaidlach as there are cooks who
prepare knaidlach:
