Thread: Turkish bread
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Victor Sack
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Rhonda Anderson > wrote:

> These places I've seen are mostly takeaway sort of places, maybe with a
> few tables. And of course, although they may call it Pide, or Turkish
> pizza, I couldn't guarantee all the people running them are actually
> Turkish <g>. Perhaps it has just become a common term - maybe they
> thought it was more "user friendly" <g> than lahmacun

Yes, I'm pretty sure sure that must be the case. After all, neither
pide nor lahmacun are a pizza - they are just being compared to one. As
far as I'm concerned, pide is flat bread, to be compared more to pita
than to pizza, but a lot of things can be done with bread, of course,
serving it with a topping being one, so some people may see it fit to
compare it to pizza. Lahmacun is a more particular term.

> (can you tell me
> exactly how that's pronounced, Victor?)

Somewhat like "lah-ma-jun", with the stress on the last syllable.
