Thread: Matzo balls....
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Sheldon wrote:
> wrote:
> > Okay, it's starting to become chicken soup time here in the Sierras.
> > I've decided that I want to make matzo balls this time around (I don't
> > care how it's spelled). Anyway, the package says to use "oil," and
> > that doesn't sound right. I think you should use chicken fat -- which
> > brings to the meat of the matter.

> > First off, if I can't use chicken fat, what is a good substitute?

> > If I skim off the fat after cooking the chicken, will some of it seep
> > back into the broth? I ask that because I happen to like chicken fat
> > in my soup.

> > Can chicken fat be frozen and stored? And, no, if it's possible to
> > actually purchase chicken fat at a proper deli, there isn't one one
> > within hours of this place.

> Chicken fat skimmed from soup is not the same as chicken schmaltz... it
> is basically tasteless, I toss skimmed chicken fat into the trash....
> and yes, you can buy chicken schmaltz (look in the refrigerated
> section), or it's easy to make your own.

You waste the fat?! Shame! It does have taste. Your tongue is

And, no, *I* can't purchase schmaltz. I'm in the foothills of the
Sierras and there isn't a proper market for miles. Albertson's is best
market in town, and I have serious doubts that they carry schmaltz (if
they do, I'm checking the 'use by' date). But, if you're willing to
make a market run, I'll send you my address and you can drop it off.

> There are as many ways to prepare knaidlach as there are cooks who
> prepare knaidlach:

Thanks for the URL.

Oh, by the way, I do know how to make chicken soup. In fact, I make
the *best* chicken soup on this planet. I've just never made matzoh

What I wanted to know about the oil was what type of oil to use instead
of chicken fat. I'll probably use olive oil.

And, thanks to everyone else that answered.

- Bobbi