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Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Tue 20 Sep 2005 10:07:42p, Dan Abel wrote in
>> In article .com>,
>> "djs0302" > wrote:
>>> When I was going to grade school in the 70's you never heard one
>>> incident of a kid being allergic to peanut butter.

>> Many years ago our son died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
>> A surprising number of babies die from this every year.

> I'm very sorry for your loss, Dan. Losing a child has to be one of
> the most heartbreaking experiences anyone can have.

I, too, am very sorry for Dan's loss. I cannot comprehend such a thing.

> What was the recent story, I'm not sure I know all the details, about
> the guy who was traveling 1st class on a plane and insisted that
> absolutely no one on the entire plane be given peanuts to eat.
> That's utterly rediculous! If his sensitivity was that great, he
> should have arranged other transporation for himself rather than
> insinuating his "problem" on everyone else.

I didn't think they still gave out peanuts on planes. Whenever I fly, which
is a heck of a lot in the last couple of years, you get a bag of pretzels or
a granola bar. What if someone is allergic to the oats used in granola? Or
has a sensitivity to flour used in the pretzels? At some point a person has
to be responsible for themselves and not expect the world to kow-tow just
because they have an allergy. A person with such severe allergies should
carry an epi-pen. My 2 cents.
