On 23 Sep 2005 09:03:09 -0700, "Sheldon" > wrote:
>Allan Matthews wrote:
>> "Sheldon" wrote:
>> >Allan Matthews wrote:
>> >> PENMART wrote:
>> >> >S'mee in WA wrote:
>> >> >> I can't help it, I'm so proud and I've just gotta share this. Got
>> >> >> home from errands this morning and found a message on the machine
>> >> >> from our son's principal (Buddy is 8 now and in 3rd grade). My first
>> >> >> thought was "uh-oh", but it was good news.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Over the summer, the principal challenged the kids to read for at
>> >> >> least 25 hours (they kept logs); their reward was to be a root beer
>> >> >> float. Well, it seems that Buddy's log was soooo good (37 hours),
>> >> >> they want to give him and another child a pizza party, and needed
>> >> >> parental permission (naturally I said "yes")...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Jani (beaming) :-)
>> >> >
>> >> >Beaming schmeaming... that's only about 25 minutes a day... for an
>> >> >eight year old that's like retarded, I'm serious, deadly serious. So
>> >> >what happens after 25 minutes, does his widdle brain shut down. It's
>> >> >no wonder the kids today don't possess an IQ... sheesh, I spent at
>> >> >least triple that time each day just reading comic books. When I was
>> >> >eight years old, during summer vacation I'd mostly pull all nighters,
>> >> >reading RLS, Dumas, Samuel Clemens... the librarians couldn't keep up
>> >> >with me... does your little golden books maven even have a library
>> >> >card, I bet not, in fact I bet less than 10% of rfc'ers can produce a
>> >> >valid library card. Imagine, minutes spent reading are more important
>> >> >than comprehending, and what a stupid reward... that principal needs
>> >> >therapy.
>> >>
>> >> Sheldon, (T)his is a new low, even for you.
>> >
>> >You're what's low... bragging an eight year old earned an achievement
>> >award for reading (nothing about comprehension, probably just looking
>> >at the pictures) a measly 25 hours in THREE MONTHS doesn't even make
>> >the grade were it an event in the Special Olympics Library Club. I
>> >really don't believe the fercocktah fairy tale, because what kinda
>> >reading award is a root beer float, from a school Principal no less...
>> >I could believe a book, maybe a dictionary too... but a friggin' soda,
>> >gimme a break. The OP has to be retarded too, to think any normal
>> >brained person would believe such an obvious lie.... that's tantamont
>> >to some pinheaded mommy posting how her rugrat earned an award for
>> >finally being potty trained, at age 5! I have no doubt whatsoever that
>> >OP is not quite right in her head and neither are any of yoose
>> >disingenuous me-too'ers offering your phoney baloney congratulations...
>> >for what, being an imbecile. You bottom of the barrel douche bag, what
>> >would you know about reading anyway, Matthews, you functionally
>> >illiterate *******... who doesn't know not to capitalize "This".
>> >
>> >Sheldon
>> Sheldon I will compare my education with yours any day.
>> I hold a Masters of Science in Ed
>Are you bragging or complaining.
Just stating a fact.
>Then you would realize you omitted a comma after my name.
How about that?
>teach 3rd grade... comfortable in your own element.
>I'm not impressed.
>Professional educators are the least educated... also indicates one is
>so stupid they couldn't figure out what to be when they grew up, and
>too frightened to address the issue... so they never left academia...
>no common sense low IQ son of a bitch.
Exactly where is ypour documentation of that statement?
>Those who can do.
>Those who can't, manage
>Those who can't manage teach.
How cute!
Sheldon, you are making a fool of yourself. Most of us don't pay too
much attention to the use of commas when posting. You will notice
that I do not resort to vulgar language or obscenities. I have taught
every science course offered in New York State schools. I hold
certification in Biology, Regents Earth Science, Physics and
Chemistry. That is why I notice the mistakes you make when discussing
anything dealing with science...Horsepower and electricity for
Try to have a good day. Take your meds. Enjoy life. Please restrain
yourself frrom using obscene or vulgar language so much.