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Rhonda Anderson
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~patches~ > wrote in

>>>>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
. ..
>>>I also do not remember anyone having peanut allergies when I was a
>>>kid in the 1960's. I took a PB sandwich for lunch every day and no
>>>one ever got ill from being around me while I was eating it. I can't
>>>comment on why this has become so prevalent; I can only comment on
>>>personal experience which is this: no child around me ever had an
>>>allergic reaction when I was eating my lunch.

> You might not say the same thing if it was one of your loved ones or
> yourself and you had to deal with the aftermath. No you would likely
> be the first one pointing a finger or filing a wrongful death lawsuit.
> Schools and airlines have liability issues.

This was highlighted by a case which occurred here, where a 13 year old
boy died after eating peanut butter at a school camp. A teacher had been
told he could not eat peanuts, but had not passed this information on.
Another teacher included eating peanut butter in a game. The boy knew he
wasn't supposed to eat peanuts, but didn't know it could kill him. Being
a typical kid, he didn't want to not take part in the game. The
following links are some of the news stories after the recent coroner's
inquest (the death took place a few years ago - I remember seeing
reports on the news at the time). I think the parents should also take
some responsibility for not educating themselves and their son enough
about the risks, but the school also bears some responsibility for their
actions or lack of them.

Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia