On 24 Sep 2005 03:23:16 +0200, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> I understand your point. Meeting someone halfway is one thing. What has
> been suggested is meeting them at their own door and escorting them to
> their destination. I will not be made responsible for their whole trip.
> Seems those who complain take few if any measures on their own to avoid the
> problem or protect themselves. They expect everyone else to do it for them
> by eliminating 100% of the cause. This is bullshit!
I think accomodation should be made--within reason-- for people with
severe allergies. I'm not sure what you consider to be too much accomodation,
but if we're talking about relatively basic matter of not serving peanuts on
an airline flight, then I personally don't consider that to be outrageous.