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Default What do you make when you don't feel like eating?

Nexis wrote:
> Some days, I just don't feel like eating. It's not that I'm sick or
> anything...I just don't feel hungry. But, being diabetic, skipping
> meals isn't really a good plan, and besides, I do believe my family
> would be less than thrilled if I began saying "We're not having
> dinner tonight, ok?"...
> So, I just need some new ideas...things you might make if you don't
> feel like eating or like cooking, or just things you make when it's 7
> p.m. and you forgot to take out that steak....

Generally, I *love* poached eggs on toast with fresh tomaty and maybe some
cheese underneath, and maybe some chili paste on top. Egg yolk *must* run

But i've just come back from holi's and caught a bug on the flight home.
Queasy and sensitive - the only thing I could stomach was a can of Heinz Big
Red tomato soup, into which I chopped spring onions and a grind of black

Feeling better now: steak last night and a chicken stir-fry tonight

Home from Rome