On 25 Sep 2005 00:45:27 +0200, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> As with most things, the key is "within reason" and its interpretation.
> When such an accomodation affects 149 people out of 100, I personally feel
> that's going too far. 'Course, my opinion never counts for much. :-)
Hehe. You know that saying about opinions being like assholes... <g>
To me, it's also a matter of degree. If someone's got a severe enough
allergy they could die if exposed to peanuts, then for me that takes
precedence over even 300 peoples' rights to chow down on nasty ol' airplane
peanuts. It may never come to that, but if it did...
On a related note, I think someone else mentioned the downsizing of
airplane food. I've gotten packets of peanuts on flights within the last
5 years, but they're pathetic... maybe half a dozen measly peanuts, if that.
And once on a Southwest flight, each passenger received a 1"x2" cracker (I kid
you not), individually wrapped. I thought, "Why bother??" ;D