Thread: Tea At Work
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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Those of you who have nine-to-fives (or seven-to-eights, as it were),
> what is your tea setup at work, if you have one?

I don't know if this is something you were looking for, but the only
two glass electric kettles that I know of are the Chef's Choice
Electric French Press, and the Capresso H2O Glass Classic. I have the
Chef's Choice at work and the other at home. I took out all the coffee
press gear from the Chef's Choice, and it works fast and the pouring
area has a little strainer built in, which helps me when I get
ambitious and try to make a chai mix with spice ingredients. The fact
that these are glass is helpful if I try to catch the water before it
boils, but has little bubbles.

If you want any kind of thermometer, the Taylor digital oven
thermometer can alert you when the water hits the right temperature. I
don't go that far, but it was nice to have around to find out the
temperature of the water from the hot spigot of the water cooler.