Ms Leebee wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> I don't understand having to change usenet nicks!!!
>> Is it a last chance relief effort to comply with court orders???
>> What?!!!
>> Please explain!
> I change mine every now & again when I get bored. It's usually just a
> slight variation of the one before it, a play on words, a bit of fun.
> Because I keep so closely to variations on my real name, nobody
> usually has problems with the transition ( ie: I don't go from Katra
> to Omelette ))
> Don't you feel sometimes like bing "Mr Sooper Dooper Man" instead of
> plain ol' "Andy" ? <g>
> ( P.S. - you have my permission to take & use "Mr Sooper Dooper Man"
> if you so wish ... )
Too kind.