Andy <q> wrote:
>Protecting your email address is an issue, I understand. I use "q" on
>usenet. WHY do you have to change a usenet nick when folks can follow
>from the old to the new, especially by making an announcement?
If you were really a jerk and wanted to hide, you wouldn't ever tell
anyone about it. For me, personally, it was sort of a mental break
between old habits and new ones. I know it sounds ridiculous, but
that's the way it was. I made no attempt to hide the fact that I was
changing posting names and, in fact, the names are quite similar.
Also, sometimes people just get tired of the name they originally
chose, and decide to change it. I don't use my real name or email
addy because the internet is a dangerous place to hang out, sometimes.
I admire the people who DO use their real info because I think it
shows a sort of courage. Maybe it's really denial about how dangerous
it can be, but nonetheless, that's what they choose to do. I'm not
some kind of dangerous criminal who needs to maintain anonymity to
avoid going to jail or whatever - I just choose to not be all that
open about who I am and where I live, because I have kids who my duty
is to protect. If I become (once again) an absolute asshole, then
people will killfile or shut me out and I would suffer by that. This
is an open discussion group of really wonderful people - each one has
their own life and picadillos and I think most people take that into
account/ It's a microcosm of the real world and we're all just people
with normal lives and problems and to tell you the truth, THIS group
of people is the best damn bunch of good folks I've ever encountered
on the internet. So God bless 'em all.
The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
At least now I have an excuse.