One time on Usenet, "Nancy Young" > said:
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote
> > I've been suffering from severe depression for
> > nearly 3 years since my soul mate died. Thru meditation and "herbal"
> > therapy, I've managed to finally come to terms with the loss and have
> > been in the process of turning my life around over the past several
> > months to include weight loss, exercise, re-learning how to want to
> > "live" again. It's been a rough 3 years. I'm still nowhere near done
> > yet, but life is better.
> Geez, Om, here I am goofing around about your morph and
> you're in all that pain, I'm so very sorry. I hope things are getting
> better for you. (hug)
Yeah, what Nancy said... :-(
Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, VidGamer, novice cook ~