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~patches~ wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
> > ~patches~ wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I mentioned I have severe allergies combined with severe asthma.

I bet you don't have Asthma or Allergies... adult onset asthma is
actually a mild form of CF (Cystic Fibrosis)... as folks are living
longer it's becoming more prevalent.

> > Your immune system works best when challenged with things that force it
> > to keep strong. Overly sanitizing ones environment is thought to cause
> > more harm to the immune system than good. You just recently wrote about
> > tossing out wooden utensils because they couldn't be "sterilized" yet
> > there is NO evidence anyone has ever become sick from one. Perhaps
> > you've made your own immune system lazy?
> > Goomba

> I doubt I have made my immune system lazy but I do blame my parents.

Adult onset asthma (a misnomer) is passed down genetically, you can't
contract it any other way... but I'm sure your parents were not aware
nor could they do anything about it... genetic research is happening
now but it may be quite a few years... 'bout all you can do is treat
the symtoms, which are very much like those of asthma with chronic

> As far as the wooden utensils, I'd rather not use them simply
> because you cannot be sure they are cleaned properly.

So next time you're at the doctor refuse the tongue depressor... of
course wood can be sterilized, boil it, that's how wooden medical
implements are steriled... everytime you stir a pot that's cooking your
wooden spoon gets sterilized... which is why it's not all that critical
to scrub pots squeaky clean, clean and shiney doesn't mean sterile,
even dirt can be sterile... but once it's heated to cooking
temperatures cookware becomes sterilzed rather quickly. But I don't
know why folks at home would want to bother, nothing else in their
kitchen is sterile... clean, but clean is not sterile... none of your
dishes and flatware is sterile, none of the foods in your fridge are
sterile.... you think that hunk of cheese is sterile... your fridge
ain't sterile. If you're that obsessed with sterile you have a mental
