zxcvbob wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun 25 Sep 2005 12:04:56p, ~patches~ wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>>>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>>> No one in this thread seems to understand the difference between
>>>>> considerately making allowances for people with food allergies
>>>>> versus having that person insist that everybody make special
>>>>> allowances.
>>>>> I'm sorry that you have a peanut allergy (or whatever) and if I
>>>>> know about it, I will try to be accommodating. But it's *your*
>>>>> problem and responsibility, not mine. Society doesn't owe you
>>>>> anything, and neither do I.
>>>>> -Bob
>>>> I understand my allergies are my problem but if you knowningly put
>>>> me at danger what does that make you? I'm not asking society to
>>>> give me anything but if society purposely puts me at risk then
>>>> what? Why do we have the anit-smoking, DUIm or other laws? They
>>>> put others at risk, do they not? We are talking about lives here
>>>> not some willy nilly pie in the sky thing.
>>> I think it's at this point that I need my own island where I can
>>> smoke, drink, eat peanut butter, and any other damn thing that others
>>> may not be able to. Those people, of course, would NOT be welcome
>>> there except at their own perceived risk.
>> You know I was willing to give to a benefit of a doubt before yoy said
>> *perceivd risk*
>>> I'm sorry you have asthma and allergies, patches, but it's your
>>> problem not mine, and I own no responsibility for your well-being.
>> No you have no reponsibility in my well being. Whether you ultimately
>> cause my death if we should ever meet is on your shoulders not mine.
>> Like I would care since I'm dead but you know just what my family
>> would and you may find yourself living in a box somewhere. Lawsuits
>> can be quite devestating so I've been told. Hell you post here about
>> your diabetes like that is any of our problems? Why the heck should
>> we help someone like you when you fail to show compassion to others
>> with equally serious problems. It's not like your diabetes is
>> anyone's problem here, deal with it! How someone could be as callous
>> as you is beyond me but we have conversed enough. Now if you would
>> like me to direct you to an island no problem otherwise you will join
>> your cohert. May you both have a safe journey through life. At any
>> rate I've heard enough from you both very selfish individuals. BTW,
>> my mom was diabetic. I learned a great deal from her of which I share
>> openly with others. Fend for yourself as I have no responsiblity for
>> your well-being!
>> Oh and your sig is very fitting as well as your google profile 
> OK, time for a recap. Wayne is going to go live on an island, where he
> has announced that he intends to smoke, drink and eat peanut butter in
> peace. And that you are not invited.
> And if I understand you correctly, you intend to follow him there and
> die (presumably from a food allergy), and it's somehow his fault and
> your heirs will sue him until he can barely afford to live in a box
> somewhere.
> And lastly, "I understand my allergies are my problem."
> Have I misstated anything?
> Bob
Yep, Wayne can go and do as he pleases where he pleases. As far as I'm
concerned the conversation with him is over and he has joined his cohert
until such time I feel either can come out again. I have no intentions
of following him anywhere or even reading his posts but thanks for your
I'm *trying* to stay focused on finishing my salsa. I just have to chop
the hot peppers and add the spices then cook, jar up and process. This
will give me about 12 - 500 ml jars of salsa. Only 36 more to go. Now
if you would kindly like to volunteer peeling/chopping/coring tomatoes
as well as a lot of other chopping of nice vegetables I would really
appreciate it. DH brought another hamper of tomatoes home. I'm dead
tired and have been dragging my butt all day so the prospects of
processing another hamper of tomatoes really isn't appealing to me right
this minute. I've taken several ng breaks and would really like to just
curl up and read more of Harry Potter instead. Normally I'm gung ho on
canning but for some reason today I'm just whipped! But if I get a
second wind I might be able to even though it has taken me most the
afternoon to do the first hamper. They are smaller tomatoes so perhaps
I could make a quick batch of tomato paste or ketchup. We'll see.