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In article >,
(AlleyGator) wrote:

> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >
> >> On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 23:51:40 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >>
> >> > I've lost 50 lbs. since January.
> >>
> >>
> >> WOW! Congratulations! Did you low carb or do it another way?

> >
> >Low carb is the _only_ thing that works for me... ;-)
> >
> >YMMV.
> >

> I find that interesting, and it's probably just a matter of ignorance
> on my part, but most of the stuff I've seen or read about the low-carb
> thing is so full of bacon fat, butter and the like that it seemed like
> a scam to me. It's sort of like, well, yeah, you'll lose weight if ya
> cut down on the carbs but you're gonna die of a heart attack with all
> that grisly fat you're eating.

See, those are the myths.
If you actually read the material, you will find it's not true.
The best book I can recommend is "Atkins for Life".

> I'm on a diet for health reasons and
> so far it loks like the South Beach diet is the closest thing I've
> found to coincide with what the doc told me to do.

South Beach is Low carb. ;-)

> Quite common sense
> and very simple. I'm supposed to limit protein intake to the rough
> equivalent of a piece of meat oor fish the size of a deck of cards,
> but my intake of vegetables and starches (mainly whole grain, breads,
> pasta, whatever) is unlimited in theory, but not in reality - you can
> gain a ton of pounds if you get carried away! Low-salt, low fat and
> you'd think that would be a downer, but it's not at all. As long as I
> follow the diet, I can occasionally splurge and eat a piece of pizza
> or a fast-food sandwich or whatever. It only happens once or twice a
> month, but it's a real treat as opposed to a lifestyle, which is what
> it used to be. Anyway, you've found something that works for you, and
> more power to ya!

The secret is, fresh meats, fresh veggies and a limited amount of
_healthy_ fats.

f'rinstance, just finished lunch and it was a grilled sliced chicken
breast with some sliced roma tomato, dressed with a basil dressing that
I just made. Fresh basil, bragg's liquid aminos, lemon juice, lime juice
and a little olive and grapeseed oils and just a smidgin of salt free
lemon pepper, all blended together in the blender. The overall flavor
was of the fresh basil.

My primary diet is steamed veggies and grilled meats, some fats from
dairy, olive and grapeseed oils, as well as some fattier fish like
catfish and salmon. I don't worry about fat, but I don't eat a lot of it
either. I don't much care for it.

Bacon is eaten in VERY small quantities, usually with beans but I did
have a BLT yesterday on a whole wheat pita pocket, but I'd not had one
for many months as bread is a "treat".

I mainly avoid bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and pretty much any other
grains and starchy foods. Veggies are mostly leafy greens and squashes.
I eat the occasional corn on the cob as a treat.

50 lbs. gone is a good start, but I still have 70 lbs. to go! I also hit
the gym 4 days per week. 30 mintues on the life cycle (currently at
level 7 manual) and 45 minutes to 1 hour of weight lifting.

My last lipid readings were triglycerides: 83, HDL 58, Cholesterol 217
which is still a bit too high, but I take Vanachol for that and it's
helping. It's one of the safer pharmeceuticals. My Doctor knows I won't
take statins. ;-)


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson