Spud wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
> :: Yep, Wayne can go and do as he pleases where he pleases. As far as
> I'm
> :: concerned the conversation with him is over and he has joined his
> cohert
> :: until such time I feel either can come out again. I have no
> intentions
> :: of following him anywhere or even reading his posts but thanks for
> your
> :: recap.
> ::
> :: I'm *trying* to stay focused on finishing my salsa. I just have to
> chop
> :: the hot peppers and add the spices then cook, jar up and process.
> This
> :: will give me about 12 - 500 ml jars of salsa. Only 36 more to go.
> Now
> :: if you would kindly like to volunteer peeling/chopping/coring
> tomatoes
> :: as well as a lot of other chopping of nice vegetables I would
> really
> :: appreciate it. DH brought another hamper of tomatoes home. I'm
> dead
> :: tired and have been dragging my butt all day so the prospects of
> :: processing another hamper of tomatoes really isn't appealing to me
> right
> :: this minute. I've taken several ng breaks and would really like to
> just
> :: curl up and read more of Harry Potter instead. Normally I'm gung
> ho on
> :: canning but for some reason today I'm just whipped! But if I get a
> :: second wind I might be able to even though it has taken me most the
> :: afternoon to do the first hamper. They are smaller tomatoes so
> perhaps
> :: I could make a quick batch of tomato paste or ketchup. We'll see.
> Ahhh. So it's not about the peanuts after all. You hate making salsa
> (you've mentioned making salsa in a negative way several times) but
> your DH insists that you make it, despite *your* wishes.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Spud
No on the contrary. I've only spoken negatively of salsa today because
for some reason I am so tired all I want to do is lay down. This is
very uncommon for me. Salsa is a lot of work but the results are well
worth it. Today it feels moreso like work because I just haven't been
able to get in the groove. I love making salsa and I love the final
product. The jars of salsa sparkle like jewels and if I can sweet talk
Pandora into how to upload to tinypics you will be able to see how
pretty they are. What I don't like is peeling, coring, and chopping the
tomatoes. Everything else as far as prep is just fine. I love the
smell of salsa cooking and I love the looks of it in the jars. It's a
tomato thing really. DH does not insist I make it either. In fact DH
doesn't like or eat salsa. His loss as it leaves more for me

As we
speak right now the salsa is just coming to almost a simmer point. The
house will smell wonderful and I can rest a bit knowing the first batch
is almost done. Now I'm getting a little excited as I always do when
something I'm going to can is almost ready to jar up.