Nancy Young wrote:
> "~patches~" > wrote
>>No on the contrary. I've only spoken negatively of salsa today because
>>for some reason I am so tired all I want to do is lay down. This is very
>>uncommon for me.
> Maybe you should rest, I'm serious, you seem as if you're
> usually a bundle of energy. Let the salsa wait. Besides, this
> thread died a long time ago and I don't know why it's turned
> so mean. I hope everyone drops it, that horse is dead.
> nancy
Yep agreed and can't understand the meanness either but maybe there's a
full moon coming or something. I don't know what's wrong with me today
but I have absolutely no energy! Anyway the salsa is now cooking and
should be ready for canning shortly. It smells very good. This batch
is using up a lot of my home grown hot peppers. I was concerned they
wouldn't be hot enough but I don't think that is going to be a problem.
I'm using jalapenos, bananas, and cherry bombs. If Pandora tells me
how I'm going to post pics of the salsa so everyone can see what it
looks like. I'm leaving the second hamper of tomatoes until tomorrow.
I just don't have the energy right now.