jeff wrote:
> Go to: The question on the temp site, and the
> pictures are self explanitory.
I would agree with your assessment. What you label "Fine lees?" in the
images would, however, likely consist of a mixture of what would
technically be defined as gross *and* fine lees. I would recommend
racking to get the wine off all the sediment pictured. The sediment
appearing after this racking would certainly be "fine lees". Whether
you chose to stir this lees is a stylistic choice - there'd certainly
be no harm in doing it. One warning, however, if you are going sur lie
in an inert vessel then it would be wise to regularly check the wine
since this environment is conducive to causing reductive problems.
Stirring (with slight oxygenation) would be wise.
Tom S:
> 2 inches of sediment in a 5 gallon carboy is _not_ fine lees. You want to
> get the wine off as much of that as you can before it has a chance to go
> reductive (H2S) on you.
The original post never said it was a 5 gallon batch, but if that's the
case I'm with Tom he it's unlikely that 2 inches of sediment could
be classed as fine lees and I'd recommend racking.