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Ariane Jenkins wrote:
> On 24 Sep 2005 03:23:16 +0200, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> >
> > I understand your point. Meeting someone halfway is one thing. What has
> > been suggested is meeting them at their own door and escorting them to
> > their destination. I will not be made responsible for their whole trip.
> > Seems those who complain take few if any measures on their own to avoid the
> > problem or protect themselves. They expect everyone else to do it for them
> > by eliminating 100% of the cause. This is bullshit!
> >

> I think accomodation should be made--within reason-- for people with
> severe allergies. I'm not sure what you consider to be too much accomodation,
> but if we're talking about relatively basic matter of not serving peanuts on
> an airline flight, then I personally don't consider that to be outrageous.
> Ariane

Yes, but in this day when airlines have cut back on so much of the
"service," what about people who bring their own peanuts or peanut
butter aboard?
