"Nancy1" > wrote in message
> Gabby wrote:
>> Just because you didn't hear of it doesn't mean it wasn't there. There
>> are
>> entire world populations who are lactose intolerant. Canada made an ass
>> of
>> itself a few years ago shipping powdered milk to a country where most
>> people
>> can't drink it because they can't digest lactose. It's just a case of a
>> missing enzyme. There is now more recognition of the problem. Years ago
>> it
>> would most likely have been diagnosed as something else.
> I have read lately that yogurt is a common "antidote" to people who
> have stomach problems/enzymes missing, or something like that. But
> yogurt is a dairy product.
This is true, you have to look for yogurt that says it contains
'live cultures' ... but you use it to build up cultures in your
intestines (icky icky icky) and that does help. Not something
you take once you're feeling crappy ... no pun intended.
Also, I can tolerate milk if I eat banana with it, I figured that out
on my own and then found out it's true.