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ravinwulf wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >I think it's at this point that I need my own island where I can smoke,
> >drink, eat peanut butter, and any other damn thing that others may not be
> >able to. Those people, of course, would NOT be welcome there except at
> >their own perceived risk.
> >
> >I'm sorry you have asthma and allergies, patches, but it's your problem not
> >mine, and I own no responsibility for your well-being.

> Well said. We have a family member with asthma and a life threatening
> allergy to shellfish. He swells up, turns blue and stops breathing
> when he's exposed. We don't, however, insist that the rest of the
> world forego shrimp cocktails on the off chance that he might come in
> contact with a miniscule amount of something to which he has an
> allergy. He's smart enough to ask what is in various dishes when we go
> out and avoid those he can't safely eat; I'm smart enough to read
> labels and refrain from cooking dishes that will set him off at home.
> We keep an epi-pen available at all times in case of accidental
> exposure. It's something I think you have to learn to deal with
> yourself, without trying to drag the rest of the world into it.

Yeah, like imagine the morons had there way, they'd eradicate all
shellfish from the planet... those allergic to bee stings would
eradicate all bees... the real solution is to erradicate all the
