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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post
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Hello RJ:

We find the baking sheets to be very useful, except that they generally
have to sit on a regular sheet for support. But they are by-golly
nonstick and the cookies and such slide right off.

A slightly different use for the baking sheet: We often lay a mixture
of cheeses and cold cuts onto a flattened piece of bread dough, then
fold to cover and seal the dough (I know there's a name for this stuff
but anyway....). It used to be kinda difficult to lift the assembled
gigantic sandwich-to-be-thing and place it on a cookie sheet. Now I
lay down the silicone baking sheet, dust with a bit of flour, roll out
the dough, lay down cheese and meat, then just fold up the dough and
seal, on the baking sheet. The silicone doesn't hold onto the dough if
dusted lightly with flour, and it's easy to place the baking sheet on
another sheet, let rise, slide it in the oven.

Loaf pan releases nicely, it's great for bread or meatloaf.

Bundt pans....another matter. We have two. They like to stick. I
think they truly enjoy destroying the cakes baked therein. I am
morally certain that when I leave the kitchen, those silicone Bundt
pans cackle with glee because they were able to hold onto the top of
the cake and allow the bottom to drop out neatly. Spray or grease
seems to be required.

Best -- Terry