In article .com>,
"Doug Freyburger" > wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > I just recieved a pound or so of fresh basil. What can I do with it
> > besides make pesto sauce? I very interested in some ideas where I can
> > freeze the results.
> Hang it on end and start to dry it. Use it in
> omlettes and such before/during/after it dries.
I put a large bunch of basil into the blender the other day with fresh
lime and lemon juice, some grapeseed and olive oil and just a bit of
lemon pepper to use as salad dressing. :-)
I'm actually using it to dress sliced grilled chicken breast and it's
delicious for my work lunches this week!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson