"Jim" > wrote in message
>I want to do an ML on my wine after alcoholic fermentation is over. My
> plan is to press the juice out of the skins add So2 to about 50ppm
> wait 1 month then rack, add oak chips and ML culture and let it sit
> over the summer.
A better plan would be to add ML culture immediately at dryness (after
pressing, settling and racking away from the gross lees) and BEFORE you add
any sulfite. ML has a tough time going when you're gassing those little
bugs with SO2!
Be sure to keep the wine topped up and airlocked during ML, as you won't
have the protection of SO2.
BTW, you might find in future that it's a good idea to throw the majority of
the wood chips into the fermenter. The flavors meld better that way, and
you'd only need to do a small addition later to achieve the desired oak
Tom S