With that small amount of wine and large lees volume, consider centrifuging
the lees down to extract as much wine as possible. Tom S had insight on this
awhile ago and I've since bought an old clothes washer and hard wired it to
spin only. I haven't converted the pulleys to spin faster or remove the
brake (much better results would ensue) but an hour or so in the basket (in
containers, of course) settles out a significant amount of useable wine to
top off after losing so much in the racking operation.
"jeff" > wrote in message
> The site on sur lie is very helpful. But I've also got a few lees
> questions, and have posted photos for a visual. The photos describe my
> sediment situation better than what I can in writing. The photos may also
> describe what others are experiencing at this point. I hope what you see
> will provide enough information to answer my questions.
> Go to: The question on the temp site, and the
> pictures are self explanitory.
> Looking forward to answers and suggestions.
> Jeff