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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 27 Sep 2005 04:50:15p, Dan Abel wrote in

> In article .com>,
> "Damsel" > wrote:
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:

>> > As with most things, the key is "within reason" and its
>> > interpretation. When such an accomodation affects 149 people out of
>> > 100, I personally feel that's going too far. 'Course, my opinion
>> > never counts for much. :-)

>> You're right. It doesn't. How unbeleivably selfish to insist on
>> eating a few lousy peanuts knowing full well that someone in your
>> vicinity could die as a result of your pig-headedness.
>> Every post you make in this thread makes me like you less. On a scale
>> of one to ten, your current ranking is about a minus four.

> I think you both have math problems. "149 out of 100"? At least I
> think Carol did hers on purpose!

Yep, my typo. "149 out of 150"

> Although I've enjoyed a lot of stuff that Wayne has posted, his postings
> on this thread haven't made me happy. We're not talking "accomodation"
> here, we're talking about an airline deciding not to give away *FREE*
> peanuts any more, and substituting something equivalent.

Please see my recent response to Carol.

> And a little Googling shows that someone eating peanuts isn't going to
> cause the death of anyone else. Of course, it also showed that many of
> those with the most serious problems are very young, so careless eating
> of peanuts (like dropping some on the floor while a parent is sleeping)
> might cause a fatality.


Wayne Boatwright *¿*
