On 27 Sep 2005 18:26:04 -0700, Damsel wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > "Damsel" > wrote
> >
> > > Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > >> I think you more than qualify! You are now 37. Welcome to
> > >> the club.
> > >>
> > >> nancy (acting head trollop)
> > >
> > > Thanks, Nancy! Are you remembering to tap these women on each shoulder
> > > with a spatula? Wanna remain acting head trollop for awhile? I'm
> > > spending most of my time sleeping these days. Probably either a
> > > migraine or a brain tumor. You just never know. <G>
> > >
> > > Carol, Head Trollop
> >
> > Geez, I knew I was messing up, no spatula tapping. I tried to get
> > you but no success. I failed my duties. I'll do better.
> I should say SO!
> > I'll be acting head trollop until you feel better. I don't like it, but
> > that's the way it is.
> Ask sf. She was acting Head Trollop during one of my sabbaticals.
Ahhh, those were the days! I was a former Fashion Floozy turned
Acting Head Trollop.
> > Have you heard? Barb says she was never a trollop. I almost
> > fell off my chair. My word.
> Yeah, we couldn't get her to join for fear of offending her mother.
> <sigh>
> Now, where's the talk of Stud Muffins??
I'm telling ya it was heady stuff conveying "secret decoder rings" to
Trollop recruits and inducting Studmuffins to be our courtiers.
Sadly, we no longer have Moosemeat to act as Head Capon, so the office
is open. Are there any takers out there?
No? I nominate Andy.
Any seconds?
sf -----> raises hand
It's moved and seconded.
Let's vote.
sf ----> raises both hands
OK - the vote was unanimous. Andy is our new Head Capon!

Andy, welcome to the ranks! You were a virtual shoo in.
who still takes bribes