Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Jill wrote:
>> Okay, I can't find honeycomb tripe (nor any tripe) to make this from
>> scratch.
> Can't help you with that: When I worked at a grocery store (Publix) in
> Florida, the meat department always carried tripe. Here in Northern
> California, tripe is also available in supermarkets. There must be
> some local prejudice against it, or the markets would carry it, right?
They carry hog jowls, buckets of chitterlings (chitlins); stuff like that.
No tripe. Tripe is not a common item for southern cooking.
>> I've actually been enjoying canned menudo. I love spicy food
>> and I love soup. I'm wondering whether it's "kosher" (ha! how we do
>> integrate some phrases into our speech) to grate some Asiago or
>> Oaxaca cheese on top of this soup. Would it be considered heresy?
>> (Come to think of it, would I care if it's heresy?) But do any of
>> you menudo lovers add cheese?
> I like menudo too. I haven't tried it with cheese, but it sounds good
> to me, especially if you also have homemade tortilla chips and a
> squeeze of lime juice.
> Bob
I'll try it with some tortilla chips and lime the next time

Thanks, Bob.