In article >, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
> The flavor found in canned chili and in canned "chili beans" eludes me.
> When I make my own chili recipe it's flavored with onion, garlic, chili
> powder, cumin, coriander, Mexican oregano and a bay leaf. It's a good basic
> chili and we like it.
> However, the canned products have a very different flavor and almost all
> brands taste quite similar. The list of ingredients on the cans, of course,
> just say "and spices".
> Anyone have an idea what makes up this flavor?
Poster Bob may be right about finding a flavor ingredient(s) that match
the "canned" taste. I dunno. Maybe it's the processing that creates an
unpredictable side-taste. What about the taste of canned asparagus? I
like that taste, but can't eat them anymore due to the mush factor.