Mailorder source for fresh turmeric roots?
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Boron Elgar > wrote:
> On 28 Sep 2005 11:14:12 -0700,
> >Anyone?
> >
> >I've googled around quite a bit, and am unable to come up with a
> >source...
> >
> >A source in the States would be the way to go to avoid customs
> >hassles..
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >Bruce
> In times past, I was unable to find a source online, but did find one
> locally at an East Indian market. Many Asian markets also carry it.
> Once you have some, take a piece at least 3 inches long and put it in
> a pot of dirt in bright light, but not direct sunlight. It will
> flourish outdoors doors in temperate zones or inside. When you need
> some, dig a bit up, cut off what you need & re-plant the remainder.
> Boron
That works for ginger root too.
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