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Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article .com>,
> wrote:
>>my court. However, I'm sure that if I provide something uninteresting
>>like pasta, she'll think I'm devoid of originality.

> Save originality for your bedroom adventures. Make something tasty that
> you're comfortable cooking. If she's worth the effort and you hit it
> off, there'll be time enough for originality. I'd love a well-prepared
> pasta dish. Something that's not too messy to eat, perhaps. JMO. A
> nice green salad, good bread. Good dessert. Enjoy the evening.

Agreed even though you are a little bad with the bedroom adventures
I would tend to be very conservative unless you know exactly what she
likes.. For example, DH is a real foodie and he is an absolute treat to
cook for BUT he doesn't care for heavily spiced foods. I love spicy
foods so I compromise by making some of whatever I'm cooking spicier for
myself but less spicy for DH. This is one of those things you learn
about others over years of living together and yes we are married so I
can't just toss him out even though I never would anyway. He's the best
taste tester I have I like the idea of a nice pasta dish lightly
seasoned and served with a tossed salad maybe with a homemade
viniagrette and I would toss in homemade bread or at the very least a
couple of nice store bought crusty rolls. Top the pasta with fresh
ground parmesan and she will be putting in your hand. I'd use a nice
red wine and something lighter for desert. I'd be tempted to just serve
vanilla ice cream so as to not over power the dinner. Oh and I always
like nice quiet dinner music while I'm eating. It's a girl or at least
a me thing.

To the OP - I hear girls are really into Harry Potter right now so you
might choose HP & the Sorcer's Stone as you're first cool movie. From
experience it is very good! I'd forgoe the icecream if you plan on
popcorn smothered with butter & salt later