First meal date - ideas please
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Joseph Littleshoes
Posts: n/a
> I was wondering whether anybody can help me. In the near future, I
> shall be cooking a meal (for the first time) for a very special lady.
> The thing is, I am no expert at this type of thing, and I have no idea
> about what to cook for her. She tells me that she is "not fussy" and
> will eat "just about anything" - which leaves the ball very firmly in
> my court. However, I'm sure that if I provide something uninteresting
> like pasta, she'll think I'm devoid of originality. Have any of you
> any suggestions as to what I can cook - or more importantly what not
> to? I can do my bit in the kitchen, but sadly I'm used to the
> bachelor
> way of doing it!
A variation on 'sole meuniere aux champignons' might be suitable.
Take 1 or 2 fillets of sole per person, season and cover with raw sliced
button mushrooms and cook covered in a 250 -300 degree (i forget what
'regulo' this would be) oven for about 10 - 15 minutes. The low temp
allows the mushrooms to release their water and poach the fish. Serve
with a bit of chopped parsley and beurre noisette - hazel nut butter (or
beurre noire - browned butter, also beurre a la maitre d' hotel or
beurre a la meuniere are good) and a bit of sliced lemon on the side.
The original recipe calls for seasoning and coating the fish in flour
then pan frying in butter and when ready to serve covering with
mushrooms sautéed in butter and placed on top of the fish and then
sprinkle with chopped parsley.
serve this with some steamed or lightly blanched cauliflower that is
finished in butter, garlic and lemon juice with a good grinding of fresh
black pepper, perhaps a pommes anna or even substitute fresh peas for
the cauliflower.
A simple green salad with a vinaigrette and for desert a scoop of
vanilla ice cream layered with some crushed pineapple and strawberries
and topped with a bit of freshly whipped cream (fraises Sarah
I would serve a good champagne throughout the meal.
If you wanted appetizers a nice cheese tray with some bread and crackers
and sliced meats and olives and a wine of choice, i would suggest vins
du Rhine with the hors d'oeuvres.
Let me know if you want something simpler or more complex, a rose ice
cream is lovely but a bit of work. A chicken with a shrimp stuffing is
easy and very good, steak diane, chicken Williamsburg, chicken
Provençal, veal cordon blue is a favourite and can be made with chicken
instead of veal, stuffed pork chops, eggplant parmesan etc.
Of course for a 'romantic' dinner, set and setting can be as important
as the food itself, good china, silver, candles, linen etc. Mood music,
a quite room, if you have a fireplace and can rearrange furniture to set
up a table near would be very nice, assuming your UK evenings are a bit
cool this time of year.
Have dinner at home and then perhaps go out to a club or theatre after?
This eliminates any problems with washing up after.
If you would like any further information about anything i have
mentioned (recipes, preparation etc.) just ask.
Joseph Littleshoes
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