Goomba38 wrote:
> JeanineAlyse wrote:
> > Is there any resource for buying very small bottles for any of the
> > alcohol "flavors" that are commonly used in cooking, such as rum,
> > vodka, various wines, etc.? I'm thinking of those tiny bottles
> served
> > on airlines (or used to be?), which would be perfect for using only
> now
> > and then in recipes I'd probably enjoy making.
> > Thanks for possible help....PickyJA
> >
> I buy them all the time from my local liquor store. Military Class V1
> stores also always seem to have a great selection, if you're eligible?
> Goomba
A local liquor store sells one serving sizes of various up scale, famous
or otherwise expensive liquors but across the street an Italian deli
sells small bottles of various rum, brandy, whisky, and other liquor
'flavourings' along with banana, papaya and strawberry and other fruit
flavourings that are less expensive and while not the same thing as the
real liquors or fruits are an acceptable substitute, at least IMO.
I should think they would be available by mail if not available locally.