LeftSpin wrote:
> I have a Mauviel copper saut=E9 pan. It is 2.5mm thick, stainless steel
> lining, and has cast iron handles (yes, mine has two handles, the second =
> is a helper handle).
> Is this pan oven safe up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit? The copper won't melt
> (nearly 2000 degrees for that to happen). But I was wondering if the hand=
> have some kind of coating to keep them from rusting that may burn at those
> temperatures. Maybe it is only good to 400 degrees?
Those are expensive pans, my initial reaction is to say no... it would
never occur to me to place a $250 pan in a 500=BA oven... can't you find
something cheaper for oven use, cast iron?... certainly won't burn,
won't melt either, but very well may warp. Their website is mute on
oven use... maybe you should contact the manufacturer. Their website
sucks but here ya go...
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