Margaret Suran > wrote:
> Victor Sack wrote:
> >
> > A Matjes herring, just like a Vestal, is always very proud of her
> > special status and, again like a Vestal, if she loses her virginity, she
> > is publicly shamed and sentenced to be buried alive, becoming a gravad
> > sild in the process. Other Matjes herrings act as Sittenpolizei - they
> > are the ones most interested in protecting their exclusive status after
> > all. Trouts and carps would like to take part but are disqualified for
> > being freshwater fish.
> I do not believe that the little girl herrings are proud of the
> "special status" that has been forced upon them.
They are extremely proud to become the prized matjes in the afterlife
rather than the lowly, despised rollmöpse!
> It seems so unfair,
> the poor little virgins offered as sacrifices.
Virgins have always been destined to be sacrificed! Besides, it is up
to each little herringette to end up as an admired matjes and not as a
shamed gravad sild.
> As for Trouts and Carps and the double standard for Sal****er Fish and
> Freshwater Fish, one of these days there will be a huge uprising in
> the waters of this world.
This will not be looked upon kindly by the diadromous fishes who won't
agree to share their special privilleges with the fishy hoi polloi.
Using their natural advantages, they will brutally suppress any such