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It depends on what pu'er you are asking about.

Generally, 2 main categories: Cooked and uncooked pu'ers.

Cooked pu'er, 2 broad subcategories:

1. Hydro-thermal fermented and post dry storage. This pu'er contains a
small trace of caffeine still. The heat generated during the hydro-thermal
fermentation stage would have evaporated large amount of caffeine, leaving a
small amount of it in the tea.

2. Hydro-thermal fermented and post wet storage. This pu'er contains
almost no trace of caffeine, as the caffeine structure is completely broken
down. But this tea needs some getting used to, as most don't like its musty
earthy loamy peaty taste.

Uncooked pu'er generally contains higher amount of caffeine, again 2

1. Slightly fermented

2. Unfermented, this one has the highest caffeine content. When I drink
this, I sleep about 3 hours a night.

If you are unsure of the tea, take Mike's advice and rinse out the pu'er.
Pu'er, whether cooked or uncooked, usually tastes the best from the 3rd
round onwards anyways.



"Jenn" > wrote in message
> Hi guys,
> Having a cup of tea is so soothing and fulfilling for me it is not
> wonder that I want to drink it all the time. I never thought caffeine
> bothered me much until having sleeping problems when I took a cup late.
> My question is how do Puerhs stack up on the caffeine scale on
> subsequent brewings? It seems as if sub brew should be lower in caff
> but what do you guys think? I havent tried drinking it later like at
> night because of the sleep issue. And since puers are very different
> from one another would the caff level be different too?
> I received a sample of silver needles that was so robust and more
> complex and deep than I remember SN being. After a cup and subsequent
> brewings of those leaves I was up half the night. I didnt feel anxious
> just not sleepy.
> Thus I am trying to find the tea that I may sleep on.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Jenn