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"JeanineAlyse" > wrote in message
> Is there any resource for buying very small bottles for any of the
> alcohol "flavors" that are commonly used in cooking, such as rum,
> vodka, various wines, etc.? I'm thinking of those tiny bottles served
> on airlines (or used to be?), which would be perfect for using only now
> and then in recipes I'd probably enjoy making.
> Thanks for possible help....PickyJA

If you have a BevMo near you, they have probably a better selection than any
liquor store I've ever seen. Beverages and More is the full name.
Also...Alot of the flavors can be had in flavoring from a candy making
supplier. Depending on what you're using it for, you may be able to get by
with that.
We have a surprisingly well stocked bar, considering we seldom imbibe, but
we invite guests often, and it's nice to have such things on hand when I
want to try something new!
