"~patches~" wrote ...
> pjjehg wrote:
>> "JeanineAlyse" wrote...
>>>Is there any resource for buying very small bottles for any of the
>>>alcohol "flavors" that are commonly used in cooking, such as rum,
>>>vodka, various wines, etc.? I'm thinking of those tiny bottles served
>>>on airlines (or used to be?), which would be perfect for using only now
>>>and then in recipes I'd probably enjoy making.
>>>Thanks for possible help....PickyJA
>> If you have an issue with having alcohol hanging around the house, I can
>> see buying those small bottles. If not, then I would buy a pint or half
>> pint---it's cheaper and the stuff doesn't go bad, like forever.
>> Pam
> I've bought the smaller bottles of wine specifically for cooking. This
> way I get to try the wine out first before I buy a larger bottle of it. I
> did this when I made bruschetta in a jar - very pretty & tasty too! It
> called for 375 ml dry white wine. I prefer a sweeter wine myself. I
> managed to find a dry white wine in that exact size just perfect for the
> recipe. What I would love to see is 1/2 bottle sized beer. I use beer a
> fair amount in cooking. Most times the dish uses 125 ml or less so it
> seems a shame to waste a whole beer for that amount. BTW a dry sherry is
> nice to cook with too.
Re beer, once upon time small bottles were available---they were called
ponies. Alas, I haven't seen one in a decade or more.