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Shaun aRe
Posts: n/a

> wrote in message
> I was wondering whether anybody can help me. In the near future, I
> shall be cooking a meal (for the first time) for a very special lady.
> The thing is, I am no expert at this type of thing, and I have no idea
> about what to cook for her. She tells me that she is "not fussy" and
> will eat "just about anything" - which leaves the ball very firmly in
> my court. However, I'm sure that if I provide something uninteresting
> like pasta, she'll think I'm devoid of originality. Have any of you
> any suggestions as to what I can cook - or more importantly what not
> to? I can do my bit in the kitchen, but sadly I'm used to the bachelor
> way of doing it!

Pasta uninteresting? Only if the imagination is also.

How about a stir fry, with egg noodles, choose your veggies well - make it
/colourful/ as well as flavourful (like if using sweet peppers, don't use
all one colour etc.), use a VERY hot wok (smoking oil!) and don't over-do
the veggies, for meat I'd go with good, large prawns, fresh if at all
possible. Pick your sauce - plain soy, oyster sauce, black bean, invent a
mixture - whatever boats your float. Quite quick and simple to make, vibrant
to look at, and delicious (if you don't cook the veggies to limpness and/or
the prawn/shrimp to rubber).

I can't be bothered thinking any more!

Shaun aRe