> wrote in message
> Thanks for all that - very entertaining stuff! The gist does seem to
> be to do something that I'm used to doing (and yes I am a dab hand in
> the kitchen), rather than to try something complicated and make a pig's
> ear of it. I have one or two thoughts that I'll run by the lady
> concerned, and then I'll take it from there. But thanks for all your
> contributions so far folks - and do keep them coming. I can try the
> more complicated examples later in the relationship - if that's how it
> pans out. Alan S - you've definitely given me some "food for thought"
> there!! Cheers all.
Here's a good idea for pasta if you both like hot/spicy food - goes great
after a cool salad starter and before an iced desert: -
Just a pasta with a spiced tomato sauce, well herbed with oregano and plenty
of FRESH basil (reserve some for garnish). For the sauce I'd start with
plenty of finely diced red onion and garlic sautéed with finely sliced
(whole rings) hot chiles to your taste (if you can find red and green, a
mixture looks good), juliennes of yellow capsicum, sliced Italian raw cured
spicy sausage of some sort but good stuff, add that for a couple minutes
before adding the tomato, when the peppers are still not quite cooked (I'd
make this with a smooth sieved tomato paste - passata - I ain't gonna spend
hours cooking down fresh tomatoes to have it taste no where near as good)
lots of fresh cracked black pepper, 1/4tsp ground ginger or if you have
fresh, about 1/2 tsp finely grated, give it a few minutes to cook all
through but don't make the peppers etc. cook until all soft. Serve that over
your preferred pasta - I like this with shell types that hold the sauce.
garnish with ripped fresh basil. Grate a bunch fresh Parmesan into a bowl
and bring to the table with the pepper etc. Wine is your choice, but I'd go
with something well tannined and robust for my tastes.
Shaun aRe - sorry I don't have a recipe because I almost never use them.