> > Getting back to food, Katrina will change the economy/ecology of south
> > Mississippi,entire Louisiana delta country and further. All of the
> > hotels,restaurants,cab drivers,cooks,wait,
> > musicians,bartenders,fisherman,farmers,will be affected..etc. The
> > devastation of the area may cause many property,restaurant,home
> > owner/renters,etc to seek employment else. No place to work,no
> > to live,and no way how to hold on long enough.. This may the devastation
> > that can destroy an entire ambience,lifestyle,cuisine of an area that
> > be preserved at all cost. I am a fan of regional cuisine,however when we
> > loose the wonderful Creole Ladies and Mens that do their job so well,it
is a
> > sad loss indeed. This is not to denegrate in any way other regional
> > cuisines,but to exault them. Love it all..if you will.
I was close on this, however I forgot to include the barge,refinery,port of
NO workers etc. Time is just now beginning to tell its tale.