In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> On Thu 29 Sep 2005 09:25:26a, ~patches~ wrote in
> > Nancy1 wrote:
> >
> >> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >>
> >>>The flavor found in canned chili and in canned "chili beans" eludes me.
> >>>
> >>>When I make my own chili recipe it's flavored with onion, garlic, chili
> >>>powder, cumin, coriander, Mexican oregano and a bay leaf. It's a good
> >>>basic chili and we like it.
> >>>
> >>>However, the canned products have a very different flavor and almost
> >>>all brands taste quite similar. The list of ingredients on the cans,
> >>>of course, just say "and spices".
> >>>
> >>>Anyone have an idea what makes up this flavor?
> >>>
> >>>TIA
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm not very fond of that canned flavor - instant acid reflex. When I
> >> make chili, most of my seasoning comes from chili powder, although I
> >> have been known to put in some cumin now and then. Mine is much better
> >> than canned.
> >>
> >> N.
> >>
> > IMNSHO mine is a lot better than canned. I've never bought canned but
> > suspect a local restaurant uses canned instead of fresh made chili. I
> > usually make a large batch that uses up 5 lb of onions at a time. I
> > can't say the flavour comes from just chili powder as I use garlic
> > cloves, onion powder, cocoa, cinnamon, paprika, and cumin in addition to
> > chili powder. I use extra lean gr. beef that probably gives it a
> > slightly different flavour than chuck chunks. I like serving it with
> > fresh chopped spanish onions on top and sometimes just a little
> > sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese. We just went through a large batch
> > since the weather is turning cooler. I didn't get a chance to freeze
> > any 
> >
> LOL! You don't do anything on a small scale do you? How much meat for 5
> lbs. of onions? I just can't do cloves, cocoa, or cinnamon in chili. Too
> Greek. I love Greek food, just not Greek-flavored chili.
> Oh, I almost forgot that I'm probably still in your killfile. Nevermind.
Why would they killfile _you_??? ;-o
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson