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OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:

> In article >,
> ~patches~ > wrote:
>>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>>>Why would they killfile _you_??? ;-o
>>>>"patches" and I had a little disagreement over peanuts. No big deal. :-)
>>><rolls eyes>
>>>On a public list, one should agree to disagree.
>>>Anymore if a conversation gets ugly, I just cut it and let them have the
>>>last word.
>>>Works for me, most of the time, unless I feel really strongly about

>>Omni, I specifically indicated I felt too strongly about the topic and
>>was getting too emotional so I bowed out of the conversation quite some
>>time ago. Unfortunately the conversation turned ugly and I no longer
>>felt it was worth my time. FWIW I was not the only one getting upset
>>over certain attitudes regarding the issue. I find ignoring someone a
>>lot more powerful than answering or arguing and if that doesn't work I
>>have no problem killfiling. I'd rather be discussing food or cooking
>>than arguing

> I frequently killfile subjects, but never authors... :-)
> That way I don't miss anything good.

I don't killfile authors either but I have no problems ignoring certain
posters who have been problematic in the past *unless* they post
something that is of particular interest to me. I don't announce any
type of killfiling or the fact I may be ignoring them AND I won't waste
my time reading them *unless* the topic strikes my fancy.
> I especially killfile crossposts, death notices and political crap...
> and threads that run on forEVER that I'm not interested in. Saves me on
> screen space.
>>BTW, I wish the replier well I and will respond to him ONLY if it is
>>cooking related and something of interest to me. No hard feelings. I
>>just don't feel like arguing. Life is too short.

> Her.
> And she is one of my favorite posters, that's why I was so surprised! ;-)

Wait a minute! *Her* posted a pic of her/his self and it sure looked
like a guy to me. Are you telling me the poster is a gal? Well wonders
never cease! My feelings remain that I wish him or her well, I just
refuse to argue.

>>Obfood -
>>My Homemade Peanut Butter
>>I simply take shelled, unsalted peanuts and blend them smooth in the
>>food processor or blender. I prefer using the food processor as the
>>resulting peanut butter is easier to get out. I transfer the peanut
>>butter to a ziploc container as use as needed.

> Reeses flavored Klondike bars.

I've never had those. We don't buy a lot of that kind of thing and I
have virtually no sweet tooth.
> Sinful. ;-d
>>Obfood 2 -
>>I will go out of my way to avoid preservatives as well as addes salts &
>>sugars. IMO many food allergies are due to these rather than the actual