First meal date - ideas please
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> I was wondering whether anybody can help me. In the near future, I
> shall be cooking a meal (for the first time) for a very special lady.
> The thing is, I am no expert at this type of thing, and I have no idea
> about what to cook for her. She tells me that she is "not fussy" and
> will eat "just about anything" - which leaves the ball very firmly in
> my court. However, I'm sure that if I provide something uninteresting
> like pasta, she'll think I'm devoid of originality. Have any of you
> any suggestions as to what I can cook - or more importantly what not
> to? I can do my bit in the kitchen, but sadly I'm used to the bachelor
> way of doing it!
Stick with the tried-and-true, something you make well and like - pasta
with a meat sauce is fine. Fancy it up with some garlic cheese bread
and a nice light dessert (purchase the dessert if you have to) like a
mix of sorbets with shaved chocolate on top.
On our first meal at home, I grilled DH the most fabulous ribeyes. He
said it was the best steak he had ever eaten. I have not been able to
replicate them again, in the last 7 years...but we're still married.
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