In article .com>,
> I was wondering whether anybody can help me. In the near future, I
> shall be cooking a meal (for the first time) for a very special lady.
> The thing is, I am no expert at this type of thing, and I have no idea
> about what to cook for her. She tells me that she is "not fussy" and
> will eat "just about anything" - which leaves the ball very firmly in
> my court. However, I'm sure that if I provide something uninteresting
> like pasta, she'll think I'm devoid of originality. Have any of you
> any suggestions as to what I can cook - or more importantly what not
> to? I can do my bit in the kitchen, but sadly I'm used to the bachelor
> way of doing it!
My first date with CJ was a dinner invite. She came over to my
apartment, and I served up some Indonesian chicken skewers (sate) with
peanut sauce, rice, cucumber salad, and fresh papaya for dessert. It
worked. Sixteen years later, and she's still hanging around, eating my
cooking. I think she's only it for the food...
Julian Vrieslander